Forcefield methods¶
This module defines the different force fields that are available in peleffy to parameterize molecules for PELE.
Primary objects¶
It defines an OpenFF force field. |
It defines an OPLS2005 force field. |
It defines an hybrid force field from the combination of OpenFF and OPLS2005. |
It defines a force field selector. |
Secondary objects¶
Implementation of the AM1-BCC partial charge calculator (using RDKit). |
Implementation of the gasteiger partial charge calculator (using RDKit). |
Implementation of the calculator of OPLS partial charges (using Schrodinger’s ffld_server) |
Implementation of a dummy charge calculator that will not perform any partial charge calculation. |
It defines a charge calculator selector. |
It defines the base class of a parameter wrapper that inherits from dict. |
It defines a parameters wrapper for an OpenFF force field. |
It defines a parameters wrapper for OPLS2005 force field. |
It defines a parameters wrapper for an hybrid OpenFF-OPLS2005 force field. |